Educational Articles
Are Suppressors Enough to Protect Your Hearing?
Grace SturdivantOver the years, I’ve been asked countless times, “What about suppressors? Are they still too loud?” I would confidently answer, “Yes, they are still too loud, and hearing protection is...
Are Suppressors Enough to Protect Your Hearing?
Grace SturdivantOver the years, I’ve been asked countless times, “What about suppressors? Are they still too loud?” I would confidently answer, “Yes, they are still too loud, and hearing protection is...
Protecting Dentists' Ears: Understanding Hearin...
Grace SturdivantConsidering the importance of hearing health in the high-decibel environment of dental offices, it's worth asking: Should dentists wear ear protection? In the hustle and bustle of a dental office,...
Protecting Dentists' Ears: Understanding Hearin...
Grace SturdivantConsidering the importance of hearing health in the high-decibel environment of dental offices, it's worth asking: Should dentists wear ear protection? In the hustle and bustle of a dental office,...

Q & A with Dr. Grace Sturdivant of OtoPro Technologies
Do your ears constantly ring or buzz? You may be one of over 50 million Americans who experience tinnitus. View Article

The Connection Between Hearing Loss & Dementia
It feels like a double whammy. As we age, we are likely to experience some degree of hearing loss. And now, we are learning that hearing loss may be a factor in the risk of developing cognitive issues, even dementia. View Article

Cognitive Decline & Hearing Loss
Since communication difficulties are one of the earliest signs of dementia, audiologists are poised to make timely and appropriate referrals when necessary, which can improve long-term outcomes by allowing earlier diagnosis and management of cognitive decline. View Article

Conserve Your Hearing, Before it’s Too Late. By Dr. Grace Gore Sturdivant
Avid shooters, hunters, and sportsmen and women know that getting outside is one of the best ways to relieve stress. But, when it comes to your ears, these activities are anything but peaceful. In fact, they are one of the top ways to wreak havoc on your hearing. Read More